B4030 - Does religiosity promote cooperative behaviour - 24/03/2022

B number: 
Principal applicant name: 
Dan Major-Smith | Population Health Sciences, University of Bristol
Title of project: 
Does religiosity promote cooperative behaviour?
Proposal summary: 

This project aims to explore whether religion may plausibly cause an increase in cooperative behaviour. Several studies have found an association between religiosity and increased cooperativeness, but few studies have used large-scale longitudinal population-based studies with detailed information on potential confounders to explore this question or assess whether this may be a causal effect.

Impact of research: 
To understand in greater detail how religion may shape our behaviour, specifically regarding cooperation.
Date proposal received: 
Wednesday, 23 March, 2022
Date proposal approved: 
Thursday, 24 March, 2022
Anthropology, Statistical methods, Cohort studies - attrition, bias, participant engagement, ethics, Social science, Statistical methods