B3924 - Novel diagnostic and therapeutic pathways and improved exacerbation prediction in asthma and COPD - 19/11/2021
B number:
Principal applicant name:
James Dodd | University of Bristol (United Kingdom)
Raquel Granell, Nic Timpson
Title of project:
Novel diagnostic and therapeutic pathways and improved exacerbation prediction in asthma and COPD.
Proposal summary:
Respiratory disease, the third largest cause of death in England, affects one in five people. Hospital admissions for lung diseases drive NHS winter pressures, costing £11billion annually. Reducing the impact of respiratory disease and associated health inequalities is a UK Government priority (UK Life Sciences Vision 2021).
In collaboration with ALSPAC we will focus on
• Workstream 2: Asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
Impact of research:
Our research will inform later phase trials and generate evidence needed for phase 2 and 3 trials of novel therapeutics designed to alter the natural history of obstructive lung diseases and transform digital self-management. We will seek funding for these through NIHR i4i, RfPB and HTA schemes. These findings will inform clinical guidelines and national policy including clinical commissioning and NICE technology appraisals.
Date proposal received:
Monday, 8 November, 2021
Date proposal approved:
Monday, 8 November, 2021
Clinical research/clinical practice, Allergy, Behaviour - e.g. antisocial behaviour, risk behaviour, etc., Cognitive impairment, Mental health, Respiratory - asthma, Statistical methods, Ageing, Biomarkers - e.g. cotinine, fatty acids, haemoglobin, etc., Cardiovascular, Cognition - cognitive function, Development, Environment - enviromental exposure, pollution, Mendelian randomisation