B3906 - Do Religious Behaviours and Beliefs Impact Study Participation - 23/10/2021

B number: 
Principal applicant name: 
Jimmy Morgan | Population Health Sciences, University of Bristol
Dr Dan Smith, Isaac Halstead, Prof Jean Golding, Prof Kate Northstone, Yasmin Iles-Caven
Title of project: 
Do Religious Behaviours and Beliefs Impact Study Participation
Proposal summary: 

This project aims to describe the ALSPAC data on religious and spiritual beliefs, as well as identify any potential sources of bias. One of these associations that is of particular interest is whether RSBB has an affect on participation in the study. This is because studies like ALSPAC rely entirely on continued participation for the study to work, meaning if there are unknown factors behind participant's likelihood of continuing with the study this may result in bias when using these variables in analyses.

Impact of research: 
To understand in greater detail how religion may impact study participation and to inform subsequent research using the same RSBB data.
Date proposal received: 
Wednesday, 13 October, 2021
Date proposal approved: 
Saturday, 23 October, 2021
Epidemiology, No diseases/conditions being analysed., Statistical methods, Cohort studies - attrition, bias, participant engagement, ethics