B3911 - Describing the ALSPAC religiosity data and identifying potential confounders - 23/10/2021
B number:
Principal applicant name:
Daniel Smith | Population Health Sciences, University of Bristol
Jimmy Morgan, Isaac Halstead, Prof Jean Golding, Prof Kate Northstone, Yasmin Iles-Caven
Title of project:
Describing the ALSPAC religiosity data and identifying potential confounders
Proposal summary:
This project aims to describe the ALSPAC data on religious and spiritual beliefs, as well as identify any potential sources of bias, particularly regarding confounders of religiosity. There are studies that have described the religious/spiritual beliefs and behaviours (RSBB) data collected by ALSPAC, however, to date no study has described this data in detail by exploring various associations between RSBB and other relevant factors (such as socioeconomic background or psychological traits). We will explore and describe associations with RSBB to inform future analyses, especially regarding the choice of potential confounders.
Impact of research:
To understand in greater detail ALSPAC RSBB data and what factors may influence religiosity. To inform subsequent research using the same RSBB data.
Date proposal received:
Saturday, 16 October, 2021
Date proposal approved:
Saturday, 23 October, 2021
Epidemiology, Statistical methods, Cohort studies - attrition, bias, participant engagement, ethics