B3871 - Identifying clusters of LongCOVID symptoms - 27/09/2021
B number:
Principal applicant name:
Alex Kwong | IEU / PHS
Renin Toms, Professor Nic Timpson, Dr Kate Northstone
Title of project:
Identifying clusters of LongCOVID symptoms
Proposal summary:
This project will identify if people with longCOVID share specific symptoms or clusters of specific symptoms. Using the intense data on symptoms collected in ALSPAC, we will identify if people with longCOVID share a specific set of symptoms and how this varies by time. Results will be pooled with similar cohorts and meta-analysed.
Impact of research:
Date proposal received:
Tuesday, 7 September, 2021
Date proposal approved:
Monday, 20 September, 2021