B3856 - Brain development in children at high risk of common mental health disorders - 16/09/2021

B number: 
Principal applicant name: 
Kate Merritt | UCL Institute of Mental Health (United Kingdom)
Professor Anthony David, Professor Derek Jones
Title of project: 
Brain development in children at high risk of common mental health disorders
Proposal summary: 

The majority of mental health disorders first occur during childhood. The role of brain maturation in the development of mental health disorders is increasingly recognised, and a future aim is to use brain imaging to aid early detection and treatment. In order to gain a holistic view of the development of adolescent mental health, a large dataset incorporating neuroimaging and genetic markers alongside detailed information on environmental exposures is needed. This current proposal would pilot MRI scanning in the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children Generation 2 study (ALSPAC-G2). We are applying for £100,000 seed funding from the Medical Research Foundation’s Launchpad Grants to pilot this study. We aim to scan a maximum of 50 children twice (subject to costings) and will use this pilot study to determine the logistics for recruiting children at a low and high risk of developing a mental health disorder. Children with a high risk of developing a mental health disorder (50% of the sample) will be selected from parents previously reporting a mental health disorder (according to the CIS-R and self-harm questionnaire). This pilot study will be crucial for assessing whether an adequate sample size of high-risk children can be achieved.

Impact of research: 
This project has the potential to deliver important advances in our understanding of the biological basis of mental health disorders and to inform the development of primary prevention and early intervention strategies, key priorities for the MRC and NHS. Work has begun to examine neurodevelopmental trajectories in healthy children and adolescents, however few studies are examining the neurodevelopmental trajectories underlying mental health disorders. The G2 cohort are going through a period of dynamic brain development now, providing a unique opportunity to understand what changes in brain maturation underlie the development of mental health disorders. The success of this pilot project will allow us to bid for a larger grant, and provide an invaluable resource of neuroimaging data for the community of ALSPAC researchers.
Date proposal received: 
Friday, 20 August, 2021
Date proposal approved: 
Tuesday, 24 August, 2021
Mental health - Psychology, Psychiatry, Cognition, Mental health, Medical imaging, Equipment - MRI