B3649 - Estimated Prevalence and Stability of Nonverbal Learning Disability - 24/05/2021
Nonverbal Learning Disability (NVLD) is a disorder characterized by deficits in visual-spatial, but not verbal reasoning, as well as impairment in two of four areas: math calculation, visual executive functioning, fine motor skills, or social skills. Prior findings established the population prevalence of NVLD to be 3% - 4% in children and adolescents.(1) We aim to establish the stability of NVLD over time, using children’s test scores at two time points (age 7 to 9 and again at age 11 to 15). This project also identifies indicators and risk factors of NVLD, such as child temperament and environmental exposures, and studies NVLD's long term outcomes.
1. Margolis AE, Broitman J, Davis JM, Alexander LM, Hamilton A, Liao Z, Banker S, Thomas L, Ramphal B, Salum GA, Merikangas KR, Goldsmith J, Paus T, Keyes K, Milham MP. Estimated Prevalence of Nonverbal Learning Disability Among North American Children and Adolescents. JAMA Network Open. 2020;3(4):e202551-e202551.