B3754 - The relationship between timing of menarche and risky behaviours in early adulthood - 01/04/2021
B number:
Principal applicant name:
Carol Joinson | Population Health Sciences, Bristol Medical School
Caroline Wright, Rose Hawes
Title of project:
The relationship between timing of menarche and risky behaviours in early adulthood
Proposal summary:
There is some evidence that girls who experience an earlier onset of menarche than their peers are at greater risk of engaging in a range of risky behaviours in adolescence such as: early initiation of sexual activity; substance use, and antisocial behaviour. Early maturing girls' more mature physical appearance and tendency to affiliate with older peer groups could expose them to increased opportunities for risk taking. It is unclear, however, if the relationship between early timing of menarche and increased risky behaviours persists into later adolescence and early adulthood.
Impact of research:
Risky behaviours are associated with long term adverse outcomes for physical and mental health, and educational attainment. Our findings will add to the understanding of the challenges that early maturing girls experience during puberty and could contribute to the evidence base for psychoeducational interventions to prepare young people for puberty.
Date proposal received:
Tuesday, 30 March, 2021
Date proposal approved:
Thursday, 1 April, 2021
Epidemiology, Mental health, Statistical methods, Puberty