B3716 - Ultra-processed food and DNA methylation age acceleration - 15/02/2021
This project will analyse data already transferred under project: B3258 STOP: Science and Technology in childhood
Obesity Policy
Ultra-processed food (UPF) has become increasingly common in the diets of children, particularly in the UK. Consumption of UPF has been linked with obesity, cardio-metabolic disease and some cancers, independently of total energy intake and nutritional composition. Mechanisms through which UPF effects health remain unclear. DNA methylation can be used to compute a measure of biological age using methods developed by Horvath and others. Age acceleration (AA, having a higher DNA methylation age than chronological age) measured in children may reflect developmental processes and epigenetic stability and is strongly related to child obesity. We propose to explore the effects of UPF on AA in ALSPAC children and its role in the development of obesity