B3628 - Childrens daycare attendance and trajectories of emotional and behavioural symptoms - 22/10/2020

B number: 
Principal applicant name: 
Maria Melchior | INSERM (France )
Barbara Heude, Marie-Aline Charles
Title of project: 
Children’s daycare attendance and trajectories of emotional and behavioural symptoms
Proposal summary: 

Children who attend childcare could be less likely to develop symptoms of anxiety as well as more likely to show prosocial behavior by the time they enter school, however few studies outside of North
America have examined this question. Additionally, it may be that childcare is especially beneficial for children growing up in a family characterized by parental mental health difficulties or socioeconomic disadvantage, however this has not been consistently shown. This study will investigate the relationship between childcare attendance prior to school entry and children’s later psychological development, as well as interaction with maternal and paternal psychiatric disorder and family low socioeconomic position.

Impact of research: 
This research can provide evidence for policy makers on what types of childcare services need to be available to all children, and what are the advantages and disadvantages of placing a child in childcare prior to school.
Date proposal received: 
Monday, 5 October, 2020
Date proposal approved: 
Wednesday, 14 October, 2020
Mental health - Psychology, Psychiatry, Cognition, psychological development in children , Statistical methods, Childhood - childcare, childhood adversity, Cognition - cognitive function, Offspring, Parenting, Psychology - personality