B3480 - The Maternal Diet Diversity Index during Pregnancy and Allergy outcomes in the child - 10/03/2020
B number:
Principal applicant name:
Carina Venter | University of Colorado/Childrens Hospital Colorado (USA)
Dana Dabelea
Title of project:
The Maternal Diet Diversity Index during Pregnancy and Allergy outcomes in the child
Proposal summary:
What mothers eat during pregnancy may affect the development of allergy in their babies and children. This study will use data from two cohorts: the Healthy Start cohort and the ALSPAC cohort. The study will learn if a novel comprehensive measure of maternal diet during pregnancy affects development of eczema, food allergy, seasonal allergies/hay fever/allergic rhinitis and asthma in chidden. The new knowledge will help families and clinicians to eventually prevent the onset and progression of allergy.
Impact of research:
This study is at the cutting edge of advancing our understanding of the critical role of maternal dietary intake in the etiology of childhood allergic diseases. Understanding these factors will reveal what kind of maternal diet is associated with allergy outcomes in offspring. The hope is that this study will set the stage for randomized controlled trials in pregnancy for the prevention of allergic disease in offsprings well as further studies to support the possible mechanisms of action.
Date proposal received:
Saturday, 7 March, 2020
Date proposal approved:
Saturday, 7 March, 2020
Epidemiology, Allergy, Statistical methods, Allergy