B3397 - Religious belief health and disease a family perspective - 06/11/2019
B number:
Principal applicant name:
Jean Golding | University of Bristol
Dr Kate Northstone, Dr Abigail Fraser, Prof Nicholas Timpson, Prof Yoav Ben Shlomo, Dr Carol Joinson, Prof Alan Eamond, Dr Yaz Iles-Caven
Title of project:
Religious belief, health and disease: a family perspective.
Proposal summary:
Here we propose to investigate whether - and how - religious or spiritual belief /behaviour influences health (and vice versa).
The ALSPAC parents have answered data about their religiosity on several occasions. In combination with the information - both self reported and measures in clinic in both parents and their offspring - we will be able to answer questions such as: (a) is religious or spiritual belief and/or attendance (RBA) of adults associated with health benefits or disadvantages in the short or long-term? (b) Does the RBA of one or both parents influence the health of their offspring? (c) Are there differences in risky behaviours between participants reporting different RBA that may explain our findings.
Impact of research:
Date proposal received:
Thursday, 24 October, 2019
Date proposal approved:
Monday, 28 October, 2019
Epidemiology, Behaviour - e.g. antisocial behaviour, risk behaviour, etc., Mental health, Statistical methods, Biological samples -e.g. blood, cell lines, saliva, etc., Biomarkers - e.g. cotinine, fatty acids, haemoglobin, etc., Blood pressure, BMI, Cardiovascular, Epigenetics