B3295 - Internalising problems in children An epigenome-wide association study - 18/04/2019
B number:
Principal applicant name:
Gemma Sharp | University of Bristol (United Kingdom)
Laura Schellhas
Title of project:
Internalising problems in children: An epigenome-wide association study
Proposal summary:
Rationale: Internalising problems (depression & anxiety) in children have been found to be predictive of negative outcomes later in life (Sallis et al., 2018) but the biological mechanisms underlying the development of these disorders are not well understood. There is some evidence that epigenetics might play a role, but results are mixed (Barker, Walton, & Cecil, 2018). In this study, we will examine internalizing traits in childhood and methylation, both cross-sectionally and at birth.
Impact of research:
Date proposal received:
Thursday, 11 April, 2019
Date proposal approved:
Thursday, 18 April, 2019
Mental health - Psychology, Psychiatry, Cognition, Mental health, Pregnancy - e.g. reproductive health, postnatal depression, birth outcomes, etc., Epigenome-wide association study, Childhood - childcare, childhood adversity, Development, Epigenetics