B3280 - Are dietary patterns in childhood associated with later alcohol use - 01/04/2019
B number:
Principal applicant name:
Kate Northstone | UoB (United Kingdom)
Mrs Louise Jones, Kate Yorke
Title of project:
Are dietary patterns in childhood associated with later alcohol use
Proposal summary:
Links have been made between increased sugar and fat consumption in childhood and regular alcohol consumption in adolesence. We plan to see whether this association is present in the ALSPAC cohort and to see whether dietary patterns in childhood (whereby the whole diet is summarised into a handful of scores based on underlying correlations between food groups) are associated with the use of alcohol at 17 years of age
Impact of research:
Potential to contribute to public health interventions since early childhood diet is a modifiable factor
Date proposal received:
Tuesday, 26 March, 2019
Date proposal approved:
Monday, 1 April, 2019
Epidemiology, Addiction - e.g. alcohol, illicit drugs, smoking, gambling, etc., Nutrition - breast feeding, diet