B3274 - Replication of the novel gene PDE11A related to a nose phenotype in the ALSPAC cohort - 12/03/2019
B number:
Principal applicant name:
Professor Stephen Richmond | Cardiff University and Nanjing Medical University, China (UK)
Chi Zhang , Evie Stergiakouli, Dr Sarah Lewis, Dr Alexei Zhurov
Title of project:
Replication of the novel gene PDE11A related to a nose phenotype in the ALSPAC cohort
Proposal summary:
This study is designed to replicate the discovery of the PDE11A gene associated with nose shape derived from 3D radiographs. The replication will be underaken on facial measures derived from ALSPAC 3D surface facial scans.
Impact of research:
Will prove or disprove that the novel PDE11A gene is associated with nose shape.
Date proposal received:
Monday, 11 March, 2019
Date proposal approved:
Tuesday, 12 March, 2019
Genetics, Face shape, GWAS, Face - face shape