B3235 - Association of adolescent physical activity profiles with hip strength at age 25 - 15/01/2019

B number: 
Principal applicant name: 
Ahmed Elhakeem | MRC Integrative Epidemiology Unit at University of Bristol (United Kingdom)
Debbie Lawlor, Jon Tobias, Jon Heron
Title of project: 
Association of adolescent physical activity profiles with hip strength at age 25
Proposal summary: 

This study will use a latent variable (and negative control) approach to investigate association between adolescent physical activity (PA) profiles and hip bone mineral density (BMD) at age 25. The main analysis will examine relationship between PA patterns over adolescence and age 25 hip BMD by applying (2nd order) latent growth models to repeated measures of PA intensity (light, moderate, vigorous) derived from Actigraph accelerometers at ages 11, 13 and 15. An additional analysis will be performed to explore association between gravitational impacts from PA, assessed at age 17 from Newtest acceleromters, and hip BMD at age 25.

Impact of research: 
Date proposal received: 
Thursday, 10 January, 2019
Date proposal approved: 
Tuesday, 15 January, 2019
Epidemiology, Statistical methods, Physical - activity, fitness, function