B2508 - INTERpreting epigenetic signatures in STudies of Early Life Adversity InterSTELA

B number: 
Principal applicant name: 
Laura Howe | MRC IEU (United Kingdom)
Caroline Relton, George Davey Smith, Andrew Simpkin, Matthew Suderman, Neil Davies
Title of project: 
INTERpreting epigenetic signatures in STudies of Early Life Adversity (InterSTELA)
Proposal summary: 

InterStELA (INTERpreting epigenetic signatures in STudies of Early Life Adversity) is a research network co-funded by the ESRC and the BBSRC, with the aim of bringing together social and biological researchers seeking to understand the role epigenetic modifications play in explaining how social exposures 'get under the skin'.

Date proposal received: 
Tuesday, 11 August, 2015
Date proposal approved: 
Friday, 14 August, 2015
Social Science