B2548 - Educational Attainment EWAS - 26/04/2016

B number: 
Principal applicant name: 
Neil Davies | MRC IEU (UK)
Prof. George Davey Smith, Prof. Caroline Relton, Prof. Ian Deary, Riccardo Marroni
Title of project: 
Educational Attainment EWAS
Proposal summary: 

We will investigate the relationship between the participants' epigenomes and their educational attainment.

Educational attainment is an important predictor of health outcomes across the life-course, occupational attainment, and cognitive function. Recent studies have identified a number of common genetic variants that are associated with education. The proportion of genetic variance in individual differences in educational attainment is estimated to be around 30%. Furthermore, there is a strong genetic correlation between educational attainment and cognitive function. This highlights the utility in using educational attainment as a proxy measure for cognition in genetic analyses. In addition to examining genetic correlates, which are fixed at conception, one can also study dynamic epigenetic measures such as DNA methylation, which are involved in gene regulation. DNA methylation data can also be used to predict with high accuracy an individual's chronological age (epigenetic clock).

Date proposal received: 
Monday, 7 September, 2015
Date proposal approved: 
Monday, 5 October, 2015
Social Science, Educational attainment., Epigenetics, Social science