B2528 - The impact of cycle proficiency training on cycle-related behaviours and accidents in adolescence - 18/09/2015
B number:
Principal applicant name:
Alison Teyhan | University of Bristol (United Kingdom)
John Macleod, Rosie Cornish, Andy Boyd
Title of project:
The impact of cycle proficiency training on cycle-related behaviours and accidents in adolescence
Proposal summary:
Education is one strategy to reduce cycle-related accidents, and many countries have training courses for children. In the UK, the National Cycle Proficiency Scheme (NCPS) was first introduced in 1947. A typical course takes place during the final years of primary school and 40% of children participate by their twelfth birthday. Despite the significant resources invested in child cycle training both in the UK and elsewhere, there has been little scientific evaluation of their outcomes.
Date proposal received:
Tuesday, 8 September, 2015
Date proposal approved:
Friday, 18 September, 2015
Epidemiology, Accident prevention; cycle training; cycle behaviours