B2554 - Identifying patterns in accelerometer data and investigating their association with other factors - 09/09/2016
B number:
Principal applicant name:
Louise Millard | Integrative Epidemiology Unit, UoB (Bristol)
Dr Tom Gaunt
Title of project:
Identifying patterns in accelerometer data, and investigating their association with other factors
Proposal summary:
ALSPAC includes Actigraph accelerometer data for approximately 5.5K and 3.2K participants at age 11 and 14 respectively. To date the data recorded by the accelerometer has been used to generate only a small number of phenotypes – moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) and average counts per minute (CPM), a measure of total activity. There is much potential to extract other useful patterns from this data that may be 1) risk factors for 2) causally affected by or 3) causally affect, other phenotypes.
We will seek to identify common patterns in the accelerometer data and then investigate their relationship with other factors.
Date proposal received:
Friday, 9 October, 2015
Date proposal approved:
Wednesday, 7 September, 2016
Statistics/methodology, Statistical methods