B2662 - Association of mitochondrial copy number with phenotypes in the UK10K cohort samples - 19/04/2016

B number: 
Principal applicant name: 
InĂªs Barroso | Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute
Dr Eleanor Wheeler, Miss Chen Li
Title of project: 
Association of mitochondrial copy number with phenotypes in the UK10K cohort samples
Proposal summary: 

We are planning to replicate a finding from a recent paper (Ding et al. 2015, PMID:26172475) which found a correlation between mitochondrial copy number (the number of copies of mitochondrial DNA) with waist circumference and waist-hip ratio using whole-genome sequence data from the UK10K cohort samples.

Date proposal received: 
Wednesday, 30 March, 2016
Date proposal approved: 
Tuesday, 19 April, 2016
Genetics, Obesity, Body shape/size., DNA sequencing, Statistical methods, Software package mitoAnalyzer, Ding et al. (2015) PMID:26172475 will be used to estimate mtDNA copy number., Biological samples -e.g. blood, cell lines, saliva, etc., BMI, Cardiovascular, Genetics - e.g. epigenetics, mendelian randomisation, UK10K, sequencing, etc., Metabolic - metabolism