B2895 - Lifestyle behaviours during pregnancy and offspring psychiatric outcomes Using Mendelian randomization to infer causality - 28/06/2017
B number:
Principal applicant name:
Hannah Sallis | MRC Integrative Epidemiology Unit, University of Bristol (UK)
Dr Gemma Sharp, Prof Marcus Munafo
Title of project:
Lifestyle behaviours during pregnancy and offspring psychiatric outcomes: Using Mendelian randomization to infer causality
Proposal summary:
This project encompasses two PhD projects that will explore the association between maternal lifestyle behaviours during pregnancy and offspring psychiatric outcomes.
These projects will provide insights into whether there is a causal relationship between maternal substance use and offspring mental health symptoms, and the mechanisms underlying these associations. Although a number of exposures are currently known to be harmful to the developing foetus, the majority of research to date has focused on physical rather than mental health outcomes.
Date proposal received:
Thursday, 1 June, 2017
Date proposal approved:
Thursday, 1 June, 2017
Mental health - Psychology, Psychiatry, Cognition, Behaviour - e.g. antisocial behaviour, risk behaviour, etc., Developmental disorders - autism, Cognitive impairment, Mental health, Pregnancy - e.g. reproductive health, postnatal depression, birth outcomes, etc., Epigenetics, GWAS, Statistical methods, Childhood - childcare, childhood adversity, Development, Environment - enviromental exposure, pollution, Genetics - e.g. epigenetics, mendelian randomisation, UK10K, sequencing, etc., Mothers - maternal age, menopause, obstetrics, Methods - e.g. cross cohort analysis, data mining, mendelian randomisation, etc., Offspring, Psychology - personality, Statistical methods