B2900 - Predicting adult stature in British Youth - 01/08/2017

B number: 
Principal applicant name: 
Sean Cumming | University of Bath (UK)
Dr Catherine Barnaby
Title of project: 
Predicting adult stature in British Youth
Proposal summary: 

The purpose of this study is to develop a UK specific and more accurate method for predicting adult stature in children. Existing methods for predicting adult stature in youth are generally limited in their accuracy and reliability and/or based on older and non-British samples. As such, their reliability and validity have been questioned. Being able to predict adult stature allows researchers and practitioners to express the child's current height as a percentage of their predicted adult stature. These percentage values provide an index of somatic maturation that can be used to describe the degree to which a child is advanced, on time, or delayed in maturation relative to their age and sex. Such values are increasingly being used as indicators of maturation status in both research and practice. As noted, however, the reliability and validity of the method for predicting adult stature has been questioned. Working with colleagues at the Institute for Mathematical Innovation at Bath University we hope to utilise the ALSPAC dataset to develop more accurate methods for predicting adult stature in British youth. If successful, we would be more than happy to allow for these methods to be included as part of the ALSPAC data set. This would enable those interested in the study and/or control of biological maturation in research to do so with greater accuracy.

Date proposal received: 
Thursday, 15 June, 2017
Date proposal approved: 
Wednesday, 21 June, 2017
Developmental biology