B3062 - Correlation between enzymatic and NMR creatinine measurements in blood - 20/02/2018

B number: 
Principal applicant name: 
Valentina Gracchi | University Medical Center Groningen (NL) (The Netherlands)
Richard Coward, MBChB FRCPCH PhD, Dick de Zeeuw, PharmD, PhD, Henkjan Verkade, MD, PhD, Hiddo Lambers Heerspink
Title of project: 
Correlation between enzymatic and NMR creatinine measurements in blood
Proposal summary: 

With this pilot we want to compare two methodes for measuring creatinine (a marker for kidney function) in blood.
The most widley used method for measuring creatinine in clinical practice is called the "enzymatic method".
In the ALSPAC cohort, "NMR" (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy) has been performed on blood samples withdrawn from the participants, in order to measure a large amount of different markers. These assessments include also creatinine measurements.
We intend to measure blood creatinine with the "enzymatic method" in 100 samples in which "NMR" has already been performed, to see if the results obtained with these two methods are similar.
The results of this pilot will be used for a bigger ALPAC proposal, concerning kidney and vascular function in children and young adults.

Date proposal received: 
Sunday, 11 February, 2018
Date proposal approved: 
Tuesday, 13 February, 2018
Clinical research/clinical practice, Renal function, NMR, Kidney function