B324 - Sleep Disordered Breathing and Growth Failure in Young Children - 06/03/2006

B number: 
Principal applicant name: 
Dr Karen Bonuck (Albert Einstein College of Medicine, USA)
Prof Peter Fleming (University of Bristol, UK)
Title of project: 
Sleep Disordered Breathing and Growth Failure in Young Children.
Proposal summary: 

Infant malnutrition is a major problem on the South Asian subcontinent. Rates of malnutrition and stunting are very high in South Asian societies. Interestingly, some evidence suggests that this phenomenon may be influenced by cultural factors. These include infant feeding practices such as a use of the supine position, feeding while sleeping, the prolonged use of the bottle, delay of protein and adult food. Other cultural factors that may influence this phenomenon have to do with the low status of women in South Asian societies. Maternal depression has been strongly linked to infant malnutrition; furthermore, female infants and children are far more likely than males to experience malnutrition and related diseases and problems, and to die before reaching the age of five. The problem of childhood malnutrition, while grave in itself, may also increase vulnerability in the South Asian population to the later development of obesity and metabolic-related problems such as diabetes.

There has been very little study of this phenomenon in communities of the South Asian diaspora, including immigrants from India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. Such research is important. Comparative research is especially crucial in this regard, since it could permit the identification of culture-specific practices and behaviors that might be amenable to modification. Our research team has considerable experience working in the New York City South Asian community (and, mention your stuff). We would like to develop a research intervention to assist South Asian families in this regard. However, to develop and fund pilot work, we would like to present preliminary data indicating the features, correlates, and prevalence, of infant and child malnutrition in South Asians. Comparative research which shows that some practices and behaviors are especially common or uncommon among South Asian families, will be particularly helpful in this regard.

We propose to conduct a secondary analysis of ALSPAC data. The 82 families of South Asian origin will be compared to 82 families of white-European background. We will select a comparison group matched on factors such as: housing status, parity, maternal and paternal education, gestational age at birth, and birth length.

We will compare the South Asian and control groups with regard to the primary outcome variables related to growth, e.g.,: BMI, height- Z scores, and head circumference Z scores. Secondary outcomes will include the longitudinal parent-reported feeding measures of: difficulty feeding, being choosy with food, not intaking a sufficient amount of food. Co-variates will include measures of; matenral depression, sociodemogrphics, child gender, parenting scores (i.e. HOME), etc.

Note, no new data are requested. We will conduct analyses with the dataset we already have, and will not require ALSPAC assistance.

Date proposal received: 
Monday, 6 March, 2006
Date proposal approved: 
Monday, 6 March, 2006
Allergies, Respiratory, Atopy, Growth, Sleep
Primary keyword: