B454 - Analysis of physical activity and low birth weight - 26/01/2007
B number:
Principal applicant name:
Dr H Wildschut (University Hospital Dijkzigt, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, Europe)
Title of project:
Analysis of physical activity and low birth weight
Proposal summary:
I would be very interested to examine the association between physical activity and birth weight (continuous variable, low birth weight (less than 2500 grammes), SGA (less than the 10the percentile [the question is which standards tot use), gestational age (continuous variable), preterm birth (less than 37 weeks). Firstly, I would like to analyse the univariate association between the abovementioned factors and the aforementioned outcome measures. Secondly I would like tot do a multivariate analysis looking at physical activity and the aforementioned outcome measures, thereby adjusting for variables that emerged forom the univariate analysis as statistically significantly associated the outcome.
Date proposal received:
Friday, 26 January, 2007
Date proposal approved:
Friday, 26 January, 2007
Primary keyword: