B519 - Prediction of drinking outcomes in ALSPAC - 26/06/2007

B number: 
Principal applicant name: 
Prof Marc Schuckit (University of California, San Diego, USA)
Title of project: 
Prediction of drinking outcomes in ALSPAC
Proposal summary: 

Our goal is to add a limited number of additional variables to our current data analyses using the ALSPAC data. We currently have information on the level of response to alcohol and demography at age 12-13, know the outcome regarding a limited number of alcohol-related variables at age 14-15, and have models of how the level of response to alcohol relates to alcoholic outcomes in teenagers and adults from several additional studies (the Collaborative Study on Genetics of Alcoholism, the San Diego Prospective Study adults, and the San Diego Prospective Study adolescents). However, to date none of these structural equation models have been tested in subjects in their early teens. Therefore, if several additional areas of data can be made available to us within the next week or so, we will be able to test whether aspects of the structural equation models generated in late teenagers and adults apply to the ALSPAC population using predictors from age 12-13. The published structural equation models have utilized both the MPlus approach and the AMOS programs as described in the references offered below. To carry out these analyses, we would be grateful for any of the following variables.

1. Age 11 (KW file) and age 13 (TA file) for all SDQ scores. Of particular importance are summarizing scores for externalizing and internalizing symptoms. We do not need specific items. The variables we would like include KW6600a to KW6605c. NOTE: I could not locate the SDQ variables for the 13-year clinic (TA file).

2. Stop-Signal (SS Task Score) from the 10-year clinic. Specifically, we need the number of failures for the hard and easy inhibition items. The specific variable names are: FDCM210 to FDCM222 and FDCM230 to FDCM233.

3. Scores for the TEA-CH test of Sky Search, Sky Search Dual Task, and Opposite Worlds Task from the 11-year clinic. These include variables FEAT060 to FEAT065, FEAT141, FEAT146 to FEAT148, FEAT225, FEAT226, FEAT228, FEAT229.

4. Scores from the Counting Span Task at the 10-year clinic. These variables are FDCM110, FDCM111, FDCM130 to FDCM133.

5. The mother's alcohol, nicotine, and cannabinol use at 18 weeks gestation, as well as the alcohol and nicotine use at 32 weeks gestation. It would also be valuable to have the mother's use of heroin, cocaine, amphetamines, or other drugs at 18 weeks gestation. The variable names for these items include B650 to B679, B700 to B714, B720 to B724, B752 to B760, B767 to B769, C361 to C373, C490, C491, C492.

6. From the puberty questionnaire (including Tanner) scores at the 11-year and 13-year clinics. Specific names include PUB407 to PUB497. NOTE: I could not locate the puberty variables for the 13-year clinic.

7. From the Arnett Sensation Seeking data, variables would include: FESS020 to FESS039, FESS050, FESS051.

Date proposal received: 
Tuesday, 26 June, 2007
Date proposal approved: 
Tuesday, 26 June, 2007
Alcohol, Smoking
Primary keyword: