B545 - Prediction of Drinking Outcomes in ALSPAC An Update - 28/08/2007

B number: 
Principal applicant name: 
Prof Marc Schuckit (University of California, San Diego, USA)
Title of project: 
Prediction of Drinking Outcomes in ALSPAC: An Update
Proposal summary: 

1Our overall goal is to add a limited number of additional variables to our current data analyses using the ALSPAC data. We currently have information on the level of response to alcohol and demography at age 12-13, know the outcome regarding a limited number of alcohol-related variables at age 14-15, and have models of how the level of response to alcohol relates to alcoholic outcomes in teenagers and adults from several additional studies (the Collaborative Study on Genetics of Alcoholism, the San Diego Prospective Study adults, and the San Diego Prospective Study adolescents). However, to date none of these structural equation models have been tested in subjects in their early teens. Therefore, if several additional areas of data can be made available to us within the next week or so, we will be able to test whether aspects of the structural equation models generated in late teenagers and adults apply to the ALSPAC population using predictors from age 12-13. The published structural equation models have utilized both the MPlus approach and the AMOS programs as described in the references offered below. To carry out these analyses, we would be grateful for any of the following variables as an update to the data already supplied to us in June 2007.

Date proposal received: 
Tuesday, 28 August, 2007
Date proposal approved: 
Tuesday, 28 August, 2007
Alcohol, Drugs
Primary keyword: