B560 - Pilot study of ALSPAC hearing data at age 11 work towards grant application - 27/09/2007
The aim of the pilot work is to support an application for the proposed 17+ clinic. The following data are required for preliminary analyses:
1. Hearing threshold and hearing questionnaire data collected at the Focus11+ clinic.
2. Sex of child
3. Social status of child
The following analyses will be performed:
1. Comparison of the frequency distribution of hearing threshold at 11 years with the data currently being collected at age 15 years.
2. Comparison of the frequency distributions at age 11 and 15 with similar data from the 1958 cohort study
3. Estimation of the percentage of children with a permanent hearing loss at age 11 years
4. Effect of sex and social status on hearing thresholds at age 11
The results of these analyses will be used as part of a grant application, and may also be written up for publication.