B665 - The Epidemiology of Balance Problems in Childhood the affect of alcohol consumption during pregnancy - 26/06/2008

B number: 
Principal applicant name: 
Rachel Humphriss (Not used 0, Not used 0)
Title of project: 
The Epidemiology of Balance Problems in Childhood: the affect of alcohol consumption during pregnancy.
Proposal summary: 


E-mail from Rachel - 5/7/10

I'm doing this project for my PhD - have done nearly three years, another 12 - 18 months to go I think. I've had one paper rejected, and am about to send the exec a new version. Another paper is also nearly ready for the exec.

Date proposal received: 
Thursday, 26 June, 2008
Date proposal approved: 
Thursday, 26 June, 2008
Primary keyword: