B786 - Replication of the association of a functional gene-network with intelligence - 18/02/2009
Using an existing IQ GWAS dataset, we have analyzed the combined effect of genes in the same functional gene-networks in the variation of human intelligence. Our functional gene-networks were defined based on biological knowledge and the combined analysis was done by developing a novel datamining and analysis procedure.
The novel data-minining and analysis procedure has been implemented in a tool-chain, to be used on a computer cluster. The tool-chain has been run on the SARA supercomputing cluster in Amsterdam to collect, transform, and analyze the relevant data.
Findings to be replicated
After correction for multiple test analysis one of the analyzed functional gene-networks revealed association. The set of genes included in the associated network is currently under embargo, until the conclusion of replication studies.
Replication cohort
We would like to replicate our result using the GWAS data form the ALSPAC study.
Replication requirements
We will need to have access to the IQ scores of all individuals and to the genotypes of 265 SNPs that were obtained using the Illumina 317k platform. These 265 SNPs are present in genes that are contained in the functional gene-network that we have found to be associated to intelligence in the IQ GWAS dataset previously analyzed.
Replication method
The tool-chain developed by Dr. Dina Ruano will be made available to Dr. Beate Glaser of ALSPAC for use in the replication result. The tool-chain will be applied to the replication cohort by Dr. Glaser. The results of the replication will be supplied to Dr. Ruano for further analysis and for publication.
Intellectual property
The tool-chain made available by Dr. Ruano will be used only for the replication study and will remain the intellectual property of VUmc.
Publication plan
A paper has been prepared on the original findings, including the applied method. The intention is to add the replication results to this paper before submission.