B1062 - ADH1B Alcohol CVD Biomarkers Collaboration - 19/10/2010
The background to the project and analysis plan are attached in the Appendix. Specifically, with regard to ALSPAC we plan to examine associations with mothers blood pressure measured at the first antenatal clinic where this was done prior to 15 weeks gestation (recent analyses by C MacDonald-Wallis & Debbie Lawlor show that this is prior to the pregnancy related increase in blood pressure which occurs at 18 weeks (95%CI:17, 19) in ALSPAC mothers and between 18-20 weeks in other published studies). This will provide a large sample size. In addition we will examine associations with mothers blood pressure currently being assessed at the "focus on mothers" clinic in order to confirm that these associations with non-pregnant blood pressure are similar to those in the larger numbers with an early antenatal measure.
Data on 1 SNP in ADH1B is requested (rs1229984), which is already available for all the mothers who have extracted DNA (N~8,000).