B1129 - Completion of Eating behaviours tracking through the lifecourse and impact on chronic disease - 03/03/2011
Questions still to be addressed relating to the objectives set in NPRI
1. How energy and macronutrient distribution changed over time
2. Relating energy and macronutrient distribution to disease risk factors
3. Comparison to NSHD.
We would also like to write a descriptive paper comparing both cohorts. Vicky has done a lot of work towards the ALSPAC part of this and could pass this on. A paper on Breakfast eating has been submitted and is currently in review.
Cambridge need to finish off the analysis regarding disease risk factors which are similar in ALSPAC and NHSD (blood pressure, lipids, body composition etc).
Vicky has prepared and used the meal data for diet diaries at 10 and 13 years so the nutrition data is ready for the final work to be done. In order to complete the contracted work now that UOB funding has finished the Cambridge group are willing to put in the time if we are willing to give them access to the data.