B1151 - Long-term effects of medication for ADHD - 21/04/2011
B number:
Principal applicant name:
Dr Kapil Sayal (University of Nottingham, UK)
Prof Alan Emond (Not used 0, Not used 0), Prof Chris Hollis (University of Nottingham, UK)
Title of project:
Long-term effects of medication for ADHD
Proposal summary:
Project outline:
Research Questions
1) What are the long-term physical and mental health effects ofmedication treatment for ADHD?
2)Does medication treatment for ADHDhave an impact onsocial, behavioural and educational functioning in adolescence?
3) For children meeting criteria for ADHD at age 7 years, which factors best predict persistence of ADHD at age 15 years?
4) What are the prevalence and correlates of apparent 'new' or late onset presentations of ADHD after the age of 7 years?
Date proposal received:
Thursday, 21 April, 2011
Date proposal approved:
Thursday, 21 April, 2011
ADHD, Antisocial Behaviour
Primary keyword: