B1158 - Impact of TTC12-ANKK1-DRD2 gene cluster on smoking behaviour impulsivity and reward in adolescence - 12/05/2011
Project outline:
Impact of TTC12-ANKK1-DRD2 gene-cluster on smoking behaviour, impulsivity, and reward in adolescence.
Adolescence is a critical period for smoking initiation (1). Approximately 80-90% of adult-smokers initiate use before age 18 years (2). Early initiation of tobacco use is associated with increased risk of developing long lasting nicotine and other drug dependencies(3). Genetic factors are known to influence risk of initiating and persisting in smoking(4). However, the specific genes mediating this vulnerability are largely unknown. In addition, most of the genetic studies performed so far on smoking have focused on adult and little is known about genetic factors moderating vulnerability to smoking in adolescence (5). Finally little is known about the neurobiological mechanismsunderlying nicotine addiction in youth.