B1163 - Cross cohort comparison to explore the causal association between maternal age and perinatal outcomes and later child outcomes IQ educational attainment behaviours risk taking - 19/05/2011
B number:
Principal applicant name:
Mar?a Clara Restrepo-M?ndez (Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Brasil)
Debbie Lawlor (University of Bristol, UK), Dr Cesar Victora (Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Brazil), Dr Alicia Matijasevich (Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Brazil)
Title of project:
Cross cohort comparison to explore the causal association between maternal age and perinatal outcomes and later child outcomes (IQ, educational attainment, behaviours, risk taking)
Proposal summary:
Aims and objectives
The aim is to use a cross-cohort comparison between Pelotas and ALSPAC to examine the causal association of maternal age with adverse perinatal and later offspring outcomes. Specific objectives are:
Compare the magnitudes of association of SEP with maternal age, using relative indices of inequalities, between the four cohorts: threePelotascohorts and ALSPAC.
- Compare the magnitudes of association of maternal age with birth weight and gestational age between the four cohorts: threePelotascohorts and ALSPAC.
- Compare the magnitudes of association of maternal age with IQ and educational attainment between the four cohorts: three Pelotas cohorts and ALSPAC
- Compare the magnitudes of association of maternal age with behavioural problems: three Pelotas cohorts and ALSPAC
- Compare the magnitudes of association of maternal age with smoking and alcohol initiation and use between the four cohorts: three Pelotas cohorts and ALSPAC
Date proposal received:
Thursday, 19 May, 2011
Date proposal approved:
Thursday, 19 May, 2011
Primary keyword: