B1200 - The Inheritance of Political and Social Beliefs - 14/07/2011
It is proposed to collect data on individuals' political views and social attitudes such as altruism, or trust and broad measures of personality characteristics. It is hoped that this will allow a first glimpse at how our early environment and genetics, combine with current circumstances to determine our beliefs. We propose asking questions similar to those below. Ideally, all questions would be asked of both parents and their children. The collation of data on social attitudes would also be extremely worthwhile in itself. Using forms of question that have been widely used in other surveys will facilitate comparability with other surveys/studies. 1. Measures of Political Ideology a. Left-Right Scale question similar to used in Eurobarometer/WVS/BSA ) b. Libertarian-Authoritarian Scale - BSA 2. Political Behaviour Questions, E.G: a. Did you vote in the last general/European/local election? If so who did you vote for? b. Do you feel that one party tends to represent your views at the national/European/local level? If so which? c. Do you belong to a political party, trade union, environmental organisation, etc.? d. Have you engaged in any of the following types of political action? Boycotts/ Petitions/Rallies/etc. .3. More fundamental questions about political beliefs - belief in the power of government (Can government be an effective force for good, is government necessary, taxation is justifiable, progressive taxation is justified.) 4. Trust. Generally speaking, would you say that most people can be trusted or that you need to be very careful in dealing with people? Thinking just about people you know, would you say that most of them can be trusted...5. Other Social Attitudes (Altruism, Inequality-Aversion, etc.) , Religosity6. Big 5 personality traits - 44 or 10.