B1201 - Pathways to resilience in children born to depressed mothers - 18/07/2011
We have four aims. First, to identify those children born to depressed mothers in the ALSPAC Study who would be classified as resilient on the basis of their scores on the SDQ in middle childhood. Second, to study the factors in early life associated with resilience in this group. Third to investigate the role of quality of early maternal care on development of resilience. Fourth, to identify those early factors involved in resilience which may be potentially amenable to intervention. Specific research questions / study objectives: 1.)When mothers are grouped on severity and duration of depression, what proportion of children born to depressed mothers are classed as resilient on the basis of the median total score on the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) administered at ages 8 and 11 by parents and teachers? 2.) Is this concept of resilience generalisable to other outcomes? How do resilient children, non-resilient children, and children of non-depressed mothers compare on other components of adaptive functioning measured when the children were ages 8 to 11 years? Do boys from the resilient group show a different pattern to girls? 3.) How do resilient children compare with non-resilient children and children of non-depressed mothers for the following factors: Exposure to major stressors, Quality of maternal care in the first year, Modifiable factors in the first year e.g. remaining with partner, relationship with partner, parental support, social support, neighbourhood characteristics, financial resources, breastfeeding.4.)Do the modifiable factors in 4 above act through altering the quality of maternal care in the first year or independently? Which aspects of quality of maternal care are important?