B1251 - Gene -Environment Interactions and Childrens Reading and Language Skills - 24/11/2011
Aims: The aim of this project is to further develop the small literiture on such Gene*Environment interactions with reference to children's language and literacy skills. Hypotheses and research questions:Our goal is to establish whether the bioecological or diathesis-stress model holds in the context of children's language and literacy skills. In other words, is the association between genotype and children's outcomes stronger for those from enriched or deprived environments? One of the key contributions that we intend to make is through our thorough consideration of what constitutes "rich" and "deprived" environments with respect to children's reading and language skills, drawing upon evidence from educational research. Accurately defining this concept is critical to testing the validity of the bio-ecological versus the diathesis stress hypotheses. This issue has, however, thus far received relatively little attention in the literature.
Research question 1: Is the association between the genetic markers and children's language and literacy skills strongest for those children in particularly enriched or deprvied home environments? Research question 2: What are the factors that mediate the relationship between the genetic marker, children's home environment and their language and literacy skills? Research question 3: Is there an association between the genetic markers and the rate of change in children's test scores between the ages of 5 and 16? Does this depend on children's home environment?