B1266 - Antecedents and correlates of adolescent gambling behaviour at age 17 - 10/11/2011
Aims: To assess the association between gambling behaviours and other risk taking behaviours at age 17; To examine the extend to which these potential associations can be explained by the young person's/parental socio-demographic background characteristics, childhood antecedents such as hyperactivity and conduct disorders and parental gambling patterns.
Outcome variables: - Frequency of gambling (>= weekly)- Scope of gambling (4 or more gambling activites in the previous 12 months)- Problem gambling (Problem Gambling Severity Index score) .
Exposure variables:- Nicotine dependence (Fagerstrom Test of Nicotine Dependence)- Problematic Alcohol use (AUDIT scale)- Problematic cannabis use (CAST scale)- Inhalant use- Harder drug use- Sexual risk behaviour- Antisocial behaviour.
Variables proposed to be examined as potential mediating variables or confounders: - Socio-economic indicators - Gender- Ethnicity- Maternal alcohol, smoking and substance use- aternal depression (antenatal, postnatal)- Hyperactivity and conduct problems (SDQ) - Depressive symptoms or other indicators of mental health in YP- Parental monitoring- Parental gambling patterns- Stressful life events since age 12 (YP).