B1292 - Effect modification of asthma and allergies by GST genotypes in children living in a mouldy environment - 10/01/2012
We are aiming to investigate whether GSTP1 polymorphism modifies risk for asthma and allergic health outcomes including allergic rhinitis and allergic sensitization associated with visible mould in six birth cohorts. Recent publications support the hypothesis that genetic variants in genes related to the cell protection controlling the inflammatory and antioxidative systems may modify the risk for allergic respiratory diseases including asthma and rhinitis. Oxidative stress is believed to impair pulmonary function and Gluthathione S-transferase (GSTs) genes might be critical in the protection of cells from oxidative stress. ...). There might be a joint effect of domestic mould exposure and genetic variants in the pathogenesis of allergic diseases, similar as observed for exposure to ambient air pollution.
Exposure: visible mould between birth and 2 years of life at home
Outcomes: Asthma Symptom Complex (Physician-diagnosed asthma, wheezing, asthma medication): early (0-2y), school-age (6y), ever (3-10y). Wheezing: early (0-2y), ever (2-10y).Dry cough: (0-2y), ever (2-10y). Symptoms of Allergic Rhinitis: early (0-2y), school-age (6y), ever (3-10y). Allergic sensitization aero-allergens: school-age (6y).
After harmonizing exposure and health outcomes information, meta-analyses with fixed and random effect models will be applied.