B1337 - Intelligence test scores and adolescent self-harm behaviour - 30/03/2012

B number: 
Principal applicant name: 
Ying-Yeh Chen (University of Bristol, UK)
Prof David Gunnell (Not used 0, Not used 0), Dr Jon Heron (Not used 0, Not used 0), Dr Shu-Sen Chang (Not used 0, Not used 0)
Title of project: 
Intelligence test scores and adolescent self-harm behaviour
Proposal summary: 

The aims of the current study are to explore the relationship between IQ and risk of suicidal and non-suicidal self-harm behaviours and whether this relationship is mediated through school performance. We also assess whether the association between IQ and suicide risk is modified by gender and psychotic symptoms.

Aim 1: To investigate whether IQ is associated with risk of suicidal thoughts and behaviors (self-harm, suicide thoughts, plans and attempts).Aim 2: To investigate whether school performance mediates the relationship between IQ and self-harm behavioursAim 3: To investigate whether the association of IQ and self-harm differs in males and females.Aim 4: To investigate if psychotic symptoms modify the association between IQ and risk of suicide/self-harm

Date proposal received: 
Thursday, 29 March, 2012
Date proposal approved: 
Friday, 30 March, 2012
Cognitive Function, Self-harm, Behavioural Problems
Primary keyword: