B1363 - Meta-analysis GWAS of urticaria - 10/05/2012
B number:
Principal applicant name:
Lavinia Paternoster (University of Bristol, UK)
Dr Dave Evans (University of Bristol, UK), Dr Marie Standl (Helmholtz Zentrum M?nchen, Germany), Dr Joachim Heinrich (Helmholtz Zentrum M?nchen, Germany)
Title of project:
Meta-analysis GWAS of urticaria.
Proposal summary:
The ALSPAC analysis will contribute to a large-scale GWAS meta-analysis conducted within the EAGLE cohort. A case/control status of 'Urticaria ever' will be derived using the questions listed in the table above. This derived variable will then be used to conduct a case/control genome-wide association study within ALSPAC using the imputed genome-wide SNP data of the offspring. Summary results for each SNP will transferred to the meta-analysis team in Munich. No individual level data will be transferred. The team in Munich will meta-analyse the ALSPAC data along with several other cohorts from the EAGLE consortium.
Date proposal received:
Thursday, 10 May, 2012
Date proposal approved:
Thursday, 10 May, 2012
GWAS, Allergy, Allergies
Primary keyword: