B1396 - Insomnia and cardiovascular health in children - the ALSPAC study - 05/07/2012
B number:
Principal applicant name:
Linn Beate Strand (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Europe)
Prof Imre Janszky (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Europe), Prof Lars Vatten (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Europe)
Title of project:
Insomnia and cardiovascular health in children - the ALSPAC study
Proposal summary:
The aim of our study is to study different aspects of sleep in relation to cardiovascular risk factors. The ALSPAC data has a uniquely wide range of sleep variables collected from birth and detailed information on cardiovascular function at aldolescence. Since the information on sleep was collected at a very young age, the main limiation of previous studies, i.e. reverse causation due to an underlying vascular disorder, is most likely to be avoided.
Date proposal received:
Thursday, 5 July, 2012
Date proposal approved:
Thursday, 5 July, 2012
Cardiovascular , Sleep Patterns
Primary keyword: