B1403 - Is fertility in the genes A GWAS genetic-wide association search of fertility tempo and quantum - 17/07/2012
B number:
Principal applicant name:
Prof Melinda C Mills (University of Groningen, Europe)
Prof George Davey Smith (University of Bristol, UK), Dr Nic Timpson (University of Bristol, UK), Mr George McMahon (University of Bristol, UK)
Title of project:
Is fertility in the genes? A GWAS (genetic-wide association search) of fertility tempo and quantum.
Proposal summary:
In the last decade, many industrialised societies experience massive changes in both the postponement of age at having a first child (tempo) and a drop in the total number of offspring (quantum) (Mills et al 2011). Previous studies suggest that there are genetic influences on fertility behaviour, but specific genetic variants have not yet been identified. The aim of this study is to bridge demographic and genetic research by having ALSPAC participating to the first large scale genome-wide association (GWAS) meta-analysis to identify the novel genes that influence the tempo (age at first birth, AFB) and quantum (number of children ever born, NEB) of human fertility.
Date proposal received:
Tuesday, 17 July, 2012
Date proposal approved:
Tuesday, 17 July, 2012
Fertility/Infertility, GWAS
Primary keyword: