B1487 - BRAINEAT - 17/01/2013
There is a bidirectional relationship between the brain and nutrition. The brain influences our food
choices and, therefore, the amount of macro- and micro-nutrients entering our bodies. These nutrients
affect body composition and a variety of metabolic processes that, in turn, influence brain function and
structure. Understanding the various elements of this brain-body loop is one of the overarching goals of
the proposed research, both in terms of gaining new knowledge about the underlying processes and
applying it to enhance population health.
We will take advantage of several community-based cohorts including ALSPAC to investigate bidirectional
brain-body relationships in the context of food choices; magnetic resonance images (MRIs) of
the brain and, in most cases, of abdominal fat have been collected in these cohorts together with a wealth
of other relevant information (e.g., food recall interviews) and blood samples suitable for genetic and
metabolomics analyses.
1. Cohorts
Given the high cost of acquiring large samples with imaging-based, systems-level phenotypes, we have
brought together several cohorts in which MRI of the brain and body have been already accomplished or
funded (~8,000 participants). Three of these samples are birth cohorts (ALSPAC, Generation R, and
NFBC86), thus allowing us to use all of the longitudinal data collected so far. In addition, we will be able
to incorporate the (Canadian) Saguenay Family Study, which is unique with regards to its twogenerational
design (adolescents and their middle-aged parents) and the detailed cardiovascular and
metabolic phenotyping available in all participants (15 hours of assessments).
Using these datasets, we will ask: (1) how do inter-individual differences in the structural (and functional)
properties of the relevant neural circuits relate to food choices, such as fat or carbohydrate intake; and (2)
how do inter-individual differences in body composition (visceral fat from MRI and/or body composition
from bioimpedance) influence metabolic profiles (as determined by metabolomics) and, in turn, brain
structure and function.
2. Magnetic resonance imaging
All cohorts acquired T1-weighted images of the brain, which are well suited for the quantification of a
number of grey-matter properties (see below). Furthermore, all cohorts used MR sequences (Diffusion
Tensor Images [DTI] and/or Magnetization Transfer Images [MTI]) suitable for quantifying various
properties of white matter. Three of the cohorts (Generation-R, NFBC86, and the parent arm of the SFS)
have acquired resting-state functional MRI (fMRIrs), and one of the cohorts (ALSPAC) has acquired a
paradigm-based fMRI (viewing faces; Grosbras and Paus 2006).
Using this rich dataset, we plan to use image-processing pipelines developed and implemented at two of
the sites (Erasmus University and University of Toronto) to process these images in order to generate
quantitative phenotypes suitable for answering both questions, namely from the brain to food choices and
from metabolic profiles (and body composition) to the brain. These brain MR phenotypes include:
MRI sequence Structure and physiology
T1-weighted Volumes, thickness, folding, shape, tissue density
Diffusion tensor imaging Fractional anisotropy, mean diffusivity, track delineation
Magnetization transfer Myelination index
Resting state functional Spontaneous cerebral networks; functional connectivity
Paradigm-based functional Brain response associated with specific stimuli/tasks; functional