B1529 - Investigating the link between umbilical cord PUFAs and maternal and child genotypes - a genome wide approach - 28/02/2013
AIM: To investigate whether fetal cord plasma fatty acid levels are determined by fetal fatty acid conversion
HYPOTHESIS: We hypothesise that variants across the genome, both maternal and child, will be associated with fetal fatty acid levels.
VARIABLES: Levels of cord blood fatty acids will be the outcome variable, while imputed genotype (both maternal and child) will be the exposure. Additional potential confounders will include dietary data and gender of the child.
Previous research investigated the influence of maternal and child FADS genotypes on the levels of long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFAs) present in umbilical cord venous plasma (Lattka et al., 2012). These levels were used as an indicator of fetal fatty acid supply during pregnancy and the paper suggested that fetal LC-PUFA levels are partly determined by fetal fatty acid conversion.
We propose to extend this to a genome-wide analysis of the maternal and child genotypes on cord blood fatty acids. Additionally, we plan to carry out a secondary analysis on plasma fatty acids levels collected in the children at age 7.
Lattka, E., B. Koletzko, et al. (2012). "Umbilical cord PUFA are determined by maternal and child fatty acid desaturase (FADS) genetic variants in the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC)." British Journal of Nutrition FirstView: 1-15.