B2098 - Genome-wide analysis of association between genotype and methylation - 24/10/2013

B number: 
Principal applicant name: 
Dr Tom Gaunt (University of Bristol, UK)
Dr Caroline Relton (University of Bristol, UK), Prof George Davey Smith (University of Bristol, UK), Dr Dave Evans (University of Bristol, UK), Mr Geoff Woodward (University of Bristol, UK), Dr Josine Min (University of Bristol, UK), Dr Oliver Stegle (European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL), UK), Mr Paolo Casale (European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL), UK)
Title of project: 
Genome-wide analysis of association between genotype and methylation.
Proposal summary: 


DNA methylation data has recently been generated from ALSPAC samples at multiple timepoints using the Illumina HM450k DNA methylation array. Comprehensive genotype data also exists for the same samples. This project will integrate these two large-scale datasets to investigate the role of genetic variation in DNA methylation.


1. Genome-wide association analysis of methylation in children and mothers to identify both cis and trans associations between genetic variants and methylation

2. Analysis of change in genotype/methylation associations through the lifecourse

3. Comparison of genotype/methylation associations to published genotype/phenotype and genotype/outcome associations

4. Comparison of genotype/methylation associations to genotype/expression associations (published and within ALSPAC)

5. Comparison of genotype/methylation assocations to ENCODE regulatory regions

6. Analysis of proportion of methylation variance that is influenced by genotype (cis/trans) and non-genetic factors.

9. Single point genotype-stage interaction analysis

10. Genetic and non-genetic correlation over space and developmental stages.

Date proposal received: 
Wednesday, 23 October, 2013
Date proposal approved: 
Thursday, 24 October, 2013
Primary keyword: 