B2165 - The neighbourhood level social and spatial distribution of people with psychotic and affective symptoms at age 18 - 13/02/2014
This study has five specific aims
1. To describe the prevalence of psychotic and affective symptoms at age 18 years according to neighbourhood-level characteristics at 18-years old, 12-years old, 7 years old and birth using advanced spatial epidemiology
2. To conduct Hierarchical Bayesian Modelling (HBM) to investigate the extent to which psychotic and affective symptoms share a common risk component at the neighbourhood level at each period of the life course
3. To conduct multilevel logistic regression to examine whether duration of exposure to neighbourhood level social disadvantage is associated with the risk of psychotic symptoms at age 18.
4. To examine whether maternal and child-reported perceptions of neighbourhood safety and cohesion are associated with elevated levels of psychotic symptoms, depressive and anxiety symptoms and internalising and externalising disorders in chilhdood
5. To explore the pathways through which exposure to neighbourhood social disadvantage over the life course is associated with psychosis risk, with particularly interest in the mediating role of urban living on the association between individual-level early life adversity, childhood cognitive ability and psychotic symptoms at ages 12 and 18.