B2271 - Neuro-developmental trajectories and adult mental disorder - 17/07/2014
(I) We will test the hypothesis that young adults who fulfil our operational criteria for 'psychotic disorder' will show significant changes (anomalous developmental trajectories) between age 20 and 24 in: (a) fronto-temporal white matter tracts; and (b) medial temporal grey matter, and (c) dorsolateral pre-frontal activation during a working memory task. These abnormalities will be qualitatively similar to but less severe than those established in psychotic disorders.
(II) We will also test the prediction that connectivity parameters namely efficiency and density, which were found to be abnormal (reduced) in participants at age 20 with psychotic experiences will have normalised or progressed according to recovery/persistence of psychotic experiences (PEs) at age 24, respectively.
(III) Finally we will take the opportunity to carry out a resting state fMRI series in order to enhance our structural graph theoretical analyses with functional connectivity analyses which may then be related to prior psychopathology, that at age 24 and subsequently.